Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Black Molly

I guess I'll start the real posting with one of my closest friends and music cohorts Black Molly (aka Alison Corbett). The woman gets around, she just recently came back from touring cross country with Al Tuck and no Action and Old Man Luedecke and probably doesn't need me to help promote her but I will anyway. Here are a couple of videos I've taken of Black Molly both of them from a show she did at CBTG's back in November in this she's doing her Bontempi/Tiny Drums thing opening for "The Burning Hell" (friggin' awesome live band, I highly recommend them) playing one of my favorite songs of hers "1995"

In this one The Burning Hell are backing her up on one of her song's "Molly Lee"

Oh yeah I should mention, that she is touring all April as a part of The Burning Hell, which should be exciting times.
In the meantime she's playing with me and some other people in the Angelshakes (more on them later) also hopefully in my own band (if I can ever get this band together properly) and in a dozen or so other ensembles and groups scattered through the city. oh yeah also she is finishing her masters degree in ethnomusicology. She shames me with multi-tasking.